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Unitary Authority in Cornwall (United Kingdom)

Contents: Population

The population development of Cornwall as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images).

CornwallUnitary Authority424,500469,600500,000533,760571,948578,324
Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnited Kingdom56,357,50057,438,70059,113,00063,285,14566,983,488...

Source: UK National Statistics.

Explanation: For Scotland and Northern Ireland, 2023 estimates are not yet available.

Further information about the population structure:

Gender (E 2023)
Age Groups (E 2023)
0-17 years105,686
18-64 years323,610
65+ years149,028
Age Distribution (E 2023)
90+ years6,850
80-89 years32,188
70-79 years71,488
60-69 years81,030
50-59 years84,339
40-49 years65,049
30-39 years64,461
20-29 years55,140
10-19 years63,363
0-9 years54,416

See also: