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Yánjí Shì

County-level City in Yánbiāncháo Prefecture (Jílín)

County-level City

The population of Yánjí Shì.

Yánjí Shì延吉市County-level City562,959
Yánbiāncháo Xiānzú Zìzhìzhōu延边朝鲜族自治州Korean Autonomous Prefecture2,270,816

Contents: Townships

The population of the townships in Yánjí Shì.

The Details icon links to further information about a selected place including its population structure (gender, age groups).

Name NativeStatusCity / District / CountyPopulation
Bĕishān Jiēdào北山街道Urban SubdistrictYánjí Shì73,178
Cháoyángchuān Zhèn朝阳川镇TownYánjí Shì36,818
Gōngyuán Jiēdào公园街道Urban SubdistrictYánjí Shì76,497
Hénán Jiēdào河南街道Urban SubdistrictYánjí Shì89,674
Jiàngōng Jiēdào建工街道Urban SubdistrictYánjí Shì73,343
Jìnxué Jiēdào进学街道Urban SubdistrictYánjí Shì89,612
Sāndàowān Zhèn三道湾镇TownYánjí Shì6,619
Xiăoyíng Zhèn小营镇TownYánjí Shì30,579
Xīnxīng Jiēdào新兴街道Urban SubdistrictYánjí Shì55,676
Yīlán Zhèn依兰镇TownYánjí Shì30,963

Source: China National Bureau of Statistics (web).

Explanation: Towns and urban subdistricts may have some rural population. Districts and counties as of 2020 (as far as sufficient information is available).