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Bĕi'ān Shì

County-level City in Hēihé Shì (Hēilóngjiāng)

County-level City

The population of Bĕi'ān Shì.

Bĕi'ān Shì北安市County-level City436,444
Hēihé Shì黑河市Prefecture-level City1,673,899

Contents: Townships

The population of the townships in Bĕi'ān Shì.

The Details icon links to further information about a selected place including its population structure (gender, age groups).

Name NativeStatusCity / District / CountyPopulation
Bĕigăng Jiēdào北岗街道地区Urban SubdistrictBĕi'ān Shì17,771
Chángshuĭhé Nóngchăng长水河农场Township-like AreaBĕi'ān Shì10,565
Chéngjiāo Xiāng城郊乡Rural TownshipBĕi'ān Shì20,897
Dōngshèng Xiāng东胜乡Rural TownshipBĕi'ān Shì16,220
Èrjĭng Zhèn二井镇TownBĕi'ān Shì23,424
Hăixīng Zhèn海星镇TownBĕi'ān Shì16,071
Hépíng Jiēdào和平街道地区Urban SubdistrictBĕi'ān Shì41,574
Hóngxīng Nóngchăng红星农场Township-like AreaBĕi'ān Shì9,435
Jiànshè Nóngchăng建设农场Township-like AreaBĕi'ān Shì13,211
Qìnghuá Jiēdào庆华街道地区Urban SubdistrictBĕi'ān Shì25,834
Shíquán Zhèn石泉镇TownBĕi'ān Shì39,166
Tiĕnán Jiēdào铁南街道地区Urban SubdistrictBĕi'ān Shì11,422
Tiĕxī Jiēdào铁西街道地区Urban SubdistrictBĕi'ān Shì9,028
Tōngbĕi Línyèjú通北林业局Township-like AreaBĕi'ān Shì31,320
Tōngbĕi Zhèn通北镇TownBĕi'ān Shì38,268
Yángjiā Xiāng杨家乡Rural TownshipBĕi'ān Shì20,455
Zhàoguāng Nóngchăng赵光农场Township-like AreaBĕi'ān Shì29,783
Zhàoguāng Zhèn赵光镇TownBĕi'ān Shì26,598
Zhàolín Jiēdào兆麟街道地区Urban SubdistrictBĕi'ān Shì32,313
Zhŭxīng Xiāng主星乡Rural TownshipBĕi'ān Shì3,089

Source: China National Bureau of Statistics (web).

Explanation: Towns and urban subdistricts may have some rural population. Districts and counties as of 2020 (as far as sufficient information is available).